Ropecon 2017—Role-playing Convention without Role-playing games

Originally posted at 2017-07-19

Ropecon used to be a role-playing convention held in Finland. This year (2017) there is also an event by that name, but according to their schedule there will be no tabletop role-playing game sessions held this year. Yes, technically there will be one.

"Guest of Honor Monica Valentinelli leads a team of players through a one shot campaign. Join them to see if their characters survive the hardships of the 17th century."

But I don't count that because it is just a session ran by a celebrity guest and not a general session.

I went to Ropecon last year (2016). According to the schedule there were a 180 tabletop RPGs then and I took part in two. I liked them quite a bit a decided I would go again this year. But before I spent 35 € I wanted to find out if there are any games that interest me. So I waited before buying the cheaper advance ticket. And kept waiting.

Now, less than two weeks before the event, I found out, that advance ticket sales have closed and there still are no tabletop games listed in the schedule. So I guess the "organizers" of Ropecon really don't want any people to come to play role-playing games in their little event. Fine, I won't come then.

Also, I have always thought crack is a rather unpopular drug, but judging by how shitty the 2017 Ropecon web page is, I can only deduce that the "web designers" have had their pipes hot for a long time. It's very annoying that a WWW-page won't even load any text if you don't allow them to run some very questionable and completely useless computer code (written in JavaScript) that is only there to make the page uglier, slower to load and more difficult to navigate. One would think after all the recent security breaches and whistle-blowing about mass surveillance people would finally start to care about information security. That doesn't seem to be the case, though. Also, fuck accessibility. People with disabilities are apparently not wanted in Ropecon, along with role-players.

In conclusion: Ropecon is dead.